This project focused on liquidity. It manages the performance of a manufacturing company. The aim of this study is to help manufacturing companies to adopt every spared policy on administration of liquidity assets and closely monitor these policies for optimality. It was firmed that the inadequate current assets can jeopardize the profitability and survival of the survival of the company and firms must be in liabilities to be in business. Structured questionnaire and personal interview were used covering the aspect of the hypothesis is put forward for top management, interpreted and analyzed by using tables and average method from the certain suggestion were made not on the down find on stock, instead, they should invest on marketable securities are easily collected. Readers are hereby encouraged to study this re[ort for details.
Odili, (2006) defines mathematics as a body of knowledge, a collection of techniques and methods, and the produ...
This project (research) work is titled “Effect of Materials Management on resource utilization in Organiz...
This study is on the impact of globalization on small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria we use...
This research explores THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT, focusing on enhancing financia...
The Human Immune deficiency Virus(HIV) and the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) situation in Nigeria has affected bloo...
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in human...
The study attempts to investigate some aspects of Language In Feminist Literature: a S...
A study was made to determine the prevalence of malaria infection among pregnant women...
This study investigates the role of innovation in driving business performance. Objectives include: (1) evaluating the impact of innovative practic...
A model of transitional probability matrix for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design was developed with the aim of tarnishing th...